2024 Bible Reading Plans

Does reading your Bible seem like a challenge? Are you having a hard time understanding God’s Word? Here are some suggestions:
- Make sure you have a personal relationship with Christ. It isn’t enough to be religious, to go to church or to be a good person. Jesus said, “You must be born again” (John 3:3). If you aren’t sure about your salvation, please click here.
- Read from a Bible translation that will help you to understand. The Christian Standard Bible, English Standard Version and New Living Translation are some of our favorites of the newer translations along with the King James Version.
- Pray before you read. Ask God to open your eyes and give you understanding.
- Become a student of the Bible – not just a casual reader. Look for ways to increase your ability to learn and to retain what you are reading. Some ideas may be taking notes, journaling, attending small group Bible studies at your church or talking with a friend about what you’re reading.
- Set a regular time and place to read God’s Word each day. Make it a habit. Most people can establish a new habit in 21 days. This one will reward you for the rest of your life and for all of eternity.
When you mouse over the Scriptures for each day you will see a pop-up with the first verses. If you click on the Scripture it will take you to biblia.com where you can read the entire passage. On a laptop or desktop you can choose what version. Functionality may be more limited on smart phones and tablets. The site also has many resources to help you study and learn the Bible. To access these you will need to create an account on their web site. There are also related apps you can choose to use for reading from biblia.com on your phone or tablet – Vyrso and Logos Bible app are two of those.
We have three Bible reading plan options this year:
The first option is the Starter Reading Plan. It is great for new believers or anyone who is just starting to read the Bible. It is great for children. It will allow you to read the entire New Testament plus the book of Proverbs and selected psalms in one year. It will take 5-10 minutes a day.
The second option is the One Year Plan. Using it you will be able to read through your entire Bible in one year PLUS you will read through Psalms and Proverbs twice and the Gospels twice. It will take about 15-25 minutes a day.
The third option is for those who want to really dive in and read more of the Bible. With this 90 day plan you can read the entire Bible in 90 days! It will take about 30-40 minutes a day. This plan is from CSB reading plans page.